TDPC RO product distribution map. Showing atmospheric/ionospheric profile global distribution. Clicking each point will display it's profile figure and information

RO number:0
RO information:
Penetration Depth: Lowest height.
Occ. azimuth: Azimuth angle of the occultation plane at tangent point with respect North direction, positive to the East from the North direction.
Occ. type: LEO satellite close to GNSS is rising. Another way is setting

Example :
Lat.= deg., Lon.= deg.
Penetration Depth: km
Occ. azimuth: deg
Occ. type: setting
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Max ED : Maximum electron density
Lat./Lon.: Latitude/Longitude at maximum electron density
Occ. type: LEO satellite close to GNSS is rising. Another way is setting
Example :
Max ED: *10^5 el/cm3
Lat.= deg., Lon.= deg.
Occ. local time hour=
Occ. type: setting
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